Heretical Wiki

The in-game console commands, if enabled, will give you access to a range of commands that allow you to modify various elements of your game.

Enabling Console[]

Console can be enabled by doing the following:

  • Right click Heretical in your steam games list
  • Click 'Properties...'
  • Add the following in the 'Launch Options' field: -console

Enabling Console via Shortcut on PC[]

Alternatively, you can make a shortcut to Heretical.exe and append -console to it's target:

  • Right click Heretical.exe in your storage
  • Click 'Create shortcut'
  • Heretical.exe - Shortcut will appear
  • (Optional) Rename this file to HereticalWithConsole
  • Right click this shortcut file and click 'Properties'
  • Edit the 'Target:' by adding -console at the end of it so it looks something like this: "C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Heretical\Heretical.exe" -console

How to use the Console[]

When in-game, the console can be opened with the Tilde ` key (Most commonly to the left of your 1 key on the keyboard).

It's important to notice that the list of available commands changes depending on whether you're in the main menu, or in a run.

In main menu the list is limited to those things related to profile/account.

In game the list covers all in-game things.

As you type commands, you may have to also input the name of an item, enemy, skill, etc. These may often use internal names. All of these can be viewed in console by clicking the small "X more" to the bottom right of the console. For instance, if you type AddSkill and then click "26 more", you'll see the names of all abilities.

These are case-sensitive, so make sure to type them exactly as displayed!



Command Function Example

addbanishes X

Adds either one, or X banishes. addbanishes 10
addcoins X Adds X amount of coins to the player. addcoins 1000
addcurrency X Y Adds Y amount of X currency. addcurrency StrayStar 100

addrerolls X

Adds either one, or X rerolls addrerolls 10
addskill X Adds skill of type X to the player. If a player already has the skill, it adds one level (this can exceed the Level 5 maximum) addskill Ricochet
addxp X Adds X experience to the player. Adding significant amounts of XP in one command may cause some performance drops! addxp 1000
clear Clear all text from console window
createnewprofile Creates new profile and switches to it
daddy Adds godmode and destroyer modes. Godmode makes you impervious to damage, and destroyer will cause you to 1-shot every enemy.
debugbindings Enable/Disable debug hotkeys listed under devcommands bindings
deleteprofile X Deletes profile X
describeitem X Describes item X describeitem StrayStar
destroyer Makes the player always deal lethal damage
die Kills the player instantly
droploot Makes all currently active enemies drop their loot
droploot X Makes all enemies in a radius of X meters drop their loot droploot 50
fps Shows frames per second
getgravity Gets current gravity value
ghost Makes the player undetectable by enemies
godmode Makes the player invulnerable/vulnerable
heal Heals player to full health
heal X Heals player by X, or you can type X% to heal a percentage heal 50

heal 50%

help List all available commands
killall Kills all currently active enemies
killall X Kills all enemies in the radius of X meters killall 50
levelup Levels up the player
listbindings List all available bindings
losecoins X Loses X amount of coins losecoins 100
middleclickteleporting Toggles ability to teleport using middle click on and off
profileinfo Prints information about the currently active profile
prophectiesallcomplete Completes all prophecies
propheciesallreset Resets all prophecies
propheciesallstart Start all prophecies
propheciescomplete X Complete prophecy X. It doesn't need to be started first propheciescomplete Exterminator
propheciesreset X Removes prophecy X from active and completed prophecies propheciesreset Exterminator
propheciesstart X Starts prophecy X propheciesstart Exterminator
refillcurse Refills curse kill count
removeskill X Removes the skill in slot X. Slots are numbered 0 to 5 removeskill 4
restartrun Restarts the current run
setcursekillsremaining X Sets remaining curse count to X where X is a number setcursekillsremaining 20
setcurselimit X Sets current curse limit to X where X is a number setcurselimit 150
setgravity X Sets gravity to X where X is a number. Positive numbers will cause you to float, while negative will pull you down. setgravity 10
setskilllevel X Y Sets the level of skill in slot X to Y. Slots are numbered 0 to 5 setskilllevel 3 5
showdebuglines Toggles visibility of ingame debug lines
spawnenemy X Spawns enemy X in front of the player spawnenemy RatKing
spawnitem X Y Spawns item X of rarity Y spawnitem RecurseBow Rare
spawnuniqueitem X Spawns a unique item X spawnuniqueitem Palewind
switchcharacter X Switches character to X and restarts the run
switchprofile X Switches profile to X
teleporttolocation X Teleports player to the location of X teleporttolocation Bridge
toggleenemyhealthbars Toggles visibility of enemy heal bars
toggleenemynametags Toggles visibility of enemy name tags
toggleenemyselectioncircles Toggles visibility of enemy selection circles
triggercurse Curse consumes the player, activating the Nameless Abyss fight
unlockcharacter X Unlocks playable character X unlockcharacter Archivist
unlockskillslot Unlocks one skill slot
unlockskillslot X Unlocks X skill slots unlockskillslots 2